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Sexual healing
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Artikelnummer: AT9418
Genre: Sex Education
DVD-Extras: Animierte Menüs, DVD-Rom Compatible, Szenenanwahl, Web Site Information
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Untertitel: Englisch, Holländisch
Herkunft : USA
Laufzeit: 60 min.
Bildformat: 4:3 (PAL)
Regionalcode: Code Free
Altersfreigabe: keine Angabe
Szenen: k.A.
DVD-Ton: Stereo
Sexual healing - Alexander Institute Erotikvideo
29 Sexual Positions for Better Health
Combining ancient Oriental healing practices with a new-age, holistic approach to self-help, Sexual Healing explores a variety of sexual techniques and positions known to be helpful in confronting many common ailments. From backaches to weak bladders, chronic fatigue to menopause, Sexual Healing takes a loving, enlightened approach to helping you with what ails you. Watch as our attractive couples demonstrate how sex can be both stimulating and therapeutic. Discover a world of ancient health secrets.
Combining ancient Oriental healing practices with a new-age, holistic approach to self-help, Sexual Healing explores a variety of sexual techniques and positions known to be helpful in confronting many common ailments. From backaches to weak bladders, chronic fatigue to menopause, Sexual Healing takes a loving, enlightened approach to helping you with what ails you. Watch as our attractive couples demonstrate how sex can be both stimulating and therapeutic. Discover a world of ancient health secrets.
(Alexander Institute)
-26%nur €16,90statt €22,90
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