Kick Ass Chicks 31 - Tall Girls

(Kick Ass Pictures - Kick Ass Chicks)

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Artikelnummer: AT13468
Darsteller: Angel Long, Lauren Phoenix, Essy Moore, Rhiannon Bray, Kaylynn, Tye
Genre: Anal, Beauties (hübsche Models), Cumshot, Doppelpenetration, Dreier, Gang Bang, Heterosex, Ohne Kondom, Oral, Teen
DVD-Extras: Animierte Menüs, DVD-Rom Compatible, Szenenanwahl, Themenauswahl, Vorschau
Sprache: Englisch
Herkunft : USA
Laufzeit: 125 min.
Bildformat: 4:3 (PAL)
Regionalcode: Code Free
Altersfreigabe: keine Angabe
Szenen: k.A.
DVD-Ton: Dolby Stereo

Kick Ass Chicks 31 - Tall Girls - Kick Ass Pictures Porno

Some wags call them “big ’uns.” Girls so tall you have to climb a ladder to mount them. Like 6’2” Essy Moore. What can you offer a goddess like her? Not much, unless you’re a millionaire. But these gorgeous amazons have to fuck someone, don’t they? They long to wrap their looong legs around a man’s thrusting, hard cock just like any other girl. So if you’re confident enough, you might just get lucky. But probably not. She’ll probably laugh in your face, and you’ll have to come home and jerk off to this movie. Join the club, pal.

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