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Teasers 2
(Andrew Blake)
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Fotos de escenas:
n° de artículo: AT7265
Actores: Kimberly Kane, Valentina Vaughn, Dahlia Grey, Celeste Star, Melisande
Género erótico: Heterosex, Masturbation, Mujeres de Ensueño
Extras: Selección de escenas
Idioma: Inglés
Procedencia : USA
Duración: 120 min.
Formato de imagen: No contiene ningún dato (PAL)
Código regional: Code Free
Edad mínima: sin información
Escenas: No contiene ningún dato
Teasers 2 - Película de sexo de Andrew Blake
Andrew Blake exposes another assembIy of Sizzling Sirens in Teasers ll. His discerning eye reveals a fresh vision to enhance the rich tapestry of female sensuality. lt is this talent that has made him the paragon of passion when uncovering the female mystic. With his new ingenue, Valentina Vaughn, Blake leads us through his stable of sensuous women, divulging yet another world of the exotic. A masterpiece of pleasure personified!
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