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Sarah Pornochic 4 - Buy as porn DVD
Early riser: as a curvy blonde girl has a shower, her lover wakes up and proceeds to take her both ways. A break from the norm: in a VIP club, men & women of the world are engaged in extremely perverse sexual games. Lustful household: a young man gets some outrageous ideas in his head when he watches a young maid move her ass as she washes the floor. Dog &... pussycat: as she's out walking her small dog, a charming young woman forgets all about decency when she is joined by a "ladies' professional". Masked ball: during a chic swinging party, some men & women wearing Venetian masks make a couple feel very welcome & introduce them to all kinds of lustful games. A succession of very hot scenes in which "bon chic bon genre" girls throw themselves into the most shameless lewd games.
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